Admittance in a sentence as a noun

You could become a passable programmer in 3 years and there's no school admittance board you have to impress with test scores!

There is always an excuse or a legal loophole, with no admittance of guilt or evidence of self-reflection.

Set some sort of bar for admittance into grad school - great GRE's, great grades, and great recommendations, and then simply lottery off the spots.

And as a spammer you are no longer given the free reign of "appear and be indexed" you have to ask for admittance though some form or another.

I find the recent onslaught of changes in policy to be insulting to myself, and your admittance of how you are undeserving of my business.

By it's own admittance, the "final word" is indeed final:> There are two exceptions to the general practice of quietly slipping changes into opinions.

When those conversations result in further scrutiny or being denied admittance, they can appear sinister or arbitrary in retrospect.

Is it just me, or does this seem to be a sideways admittance/accusation that the US Government has been essentially 'attacking' Facebook attempting to extract data outside the normal channels of requests from law enforcement?Either way, this needs to change.

The grades need to havebsome basic normalization because college admittance personell probably do not have the time to review several thousand projects during college application season to determine whether or not they actually demonstrate competence in the skills involved or if they were actually demonstrating the skills of the student and not the "projects that will get you into harvard" crib sheet the student was using.

Admittance definitions


the right to enter

See also: entree access accession admission


the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic"

See also: admission