Administrator in a sentence as a noun

The lead state administrator always referred to this as "getting that person's buy-in.

He turned out to be a big donor, and a hospital administrator told my friend that she could either do it or lose her job.

All the administrator has done is transformed the problem of picking a winning stock, to picking a winning hedge fund.

The thing is, you need administrator privileges in order to run firewalls and keyboard drivers.

When is the last time you heard of a system administrator writing down problems on a whiteboard as opposed to asking a colleague or Googling the answer?

The pension fund administrator can pick the 1 in 10 stocks he believes will return 15% per annum or he can pick the 1 in 20 hedge fund managers he believes will return 15% per annum.

Furthermore, more part-time faculty are being hired at very low wages to offset the costs of administrators whose salaries tend to be much higher than faculty.

" State administrators would hear this a few times about a piece and then pull the material from any further consideration, not even pilot testing.

The Vice article submitted here does, at least, link to an Atlantic article[2] reporting that Wikipedia's rate of bringing new administrators on board is slowing.

They found that an imbalance between administrators and faculty where administrators outnumber faculty is what accounts for the rise in costs.

Nothing has ever been careful about the process for checking the background of administrator candidates or choosing which candidates become administrators.

The title used to give context without editorializing, until an administrator changed it to the cryptic 9to5, which matches the title of the blog post but conveys no information about the article unless you were already following the story.

At least some of the administrators have been caught taking payoffs for editing articles to publicize the persons making the payoffs, so it will take more than just the current administrators being more alert to fix this problem on Wikipedia.

Analyzing data from 137 public universities from 1987 through 2008, they found that on average the ratio was two administrators to one full-time faculty member when the most cost-effective ratio is one administrator for every three full-time faculty members.

Which is interesting for a couple reasons.- Also, the access they obtained does not lead to root on the Linode host fleet itself, unless they are holding back some extra access they obtained such as a shared password between the ColdFusion stack and administrator credentials for Linode systems, which I consider unlikely for a couple reasons.

I have a similar story from a prior employer, a system administrator who was often asked to fix problems usually caused by bad managerial decisions of which he always flagged initially as being problematic but nobody listened to him, even after it turned out he was right from the start, he was one of those guys who knew their ****.

Proper Noun Examples for Administrator

Cached passwords are nice because they are network logins, however 9 times out of 10 the local Administrator password is the same on all systems because system administrators frequently use the same local admin password when imaging lots of computers.

Administrator definitions


someone who administers a business


the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executor


someone who manages a government agency or department

See also: executive