Adenoid in a sentence as a noun

Too late, my 3 kids had the adenoids removed.

“But I think you’ve got adenoids.” “Don’t worry about it,” she said.

The next closest thing was probably when I had my adenoids out when I was 7.

When I was about 12 years old I was told I had enlarged adenoids which should be operated on.

The Doc said I had my adenoids enlarged, and advised my mom to agree to an operation.

What if enlarged tonsils/adenoids is a allergic response of immune system?

The kids who get their tonsils and adenoids out are the ones with recurrent respiratory infections to begin with.

I myself stopped reading it twice at the giant ******* adenoid, and again when the man chases the harmonica into the toilet.

Adenoid in a sentence as an adjective

People used to say the same of the appendix and adenoids; that they're pointless vestiges, the blindness of evolution, contingent structures.

We only identified the adenoid issue because she was having trouble hearing and the ENT identified the large adenoids at that point.

There's a scene in Roald Dahl's autobiography part one, Boy, that describes the process of getting his adenoids removed without anaesthesia.

In my generation, 100% of us had our tonslis/adenoids removed as children, but we have no significant differences in health issues whatsoever.

But the consensus of the medical community that formed in the last decade is that removing adenoids and tonsils should be a last-line of defense for chronic cases that affect your life significantly.

Was very blocked up/nasally all the time and prone to ear infections, had some problems hearing, breathing, etc. Except in my case, when they removed my adenoids they also put the tubes in my ears on the first surgery, and I didn't have any follow-up operations.

I was horrified by the huge red lumps that had fallen out of my mouth into the white basin and my first thought was that the doctor had cut out the whole of the middle of my head.>“Those were your adenoids,” I heard the doctor saying.> ...> That was in 1924, and taking out a child’s adenoids, and often the tonsils as well, without any anesthetic was common practice in those days.

Adenoid definitions


a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx); "hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids"; "enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children"


relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue