Accumulative in a sentence as an adjective

'Our' mesh network is about 65 + 420 man years accumulative work on both free and open hardware and software, we are 95% done.

They might appear fast on a personal web server, but the point behind it is the accumulative effect.

If you have 500k active users, they can use up 500k x 5mb = 2500GB = $250.$250 x 30 = $7500because this cost is accumulative, within a year, the monthly bill will be as high as $75000.

When looking at the accumulative effects the question of which one is worse is up for debate and non trivial to answer.

Few things :- functional is accumulative in thinking.

If y and ***** are floating point in the first block then might not y end at other than the desired endpoint because of accumulative error?

In fact you don't need to take too much silver to turn gray, it is accumulative so you can not suspect that you are taking too much, and you don't know when the effects will appear.

People then have to determine what those foods and level of foods are, it could be accumulative as well - where too much of a few different foods may be too irritating to your system.

The very act of turning a page, and accumulating each page as physical entities allows a user to see the accumulative progress of a story continuously.

On the other hand, visual novels are best suited to open engine tooling, because the study goal is not accumulative - you don't add more characters and subplots to develop a story - it's to use a common framework of storytelling and fill it up with a specific kind of study of your choosing, a mode of portrayal and thematic content.

Accumulative definitions


increasing by successive addition; "the benefits are cumulative"; "the eventual accumulative effect of these substances"

See also: cumulative


marked by acquiring or amassing; "we live in an accumulative society"