Accordance in a sentence as a noun

Sure, that's 'in accordance with the law' - here's all his email Anything else you'd like?

"Second, we provide user data to governments only in accordance with the law.

After takeoff, in accordance with their SOP, he calls for the autopilot to be engaged after takeoff.

Alternate title:"Apple disclosing patents ahead of deadline in accordance with W3C patent policy, again.

_All_ the denials/re-assurances we're seeing are of the form "in accordance with the law", then going on to talk about presumed protection against _domestic_ spying, and the 4th amendment rights of US citizens.

Vague, unfair, or overly broad language that was not clearly understood by both parties tends to get reduced, removed, or modified in accordance with what both parties reasonably understood to be the intent.

The Icelandic government did set up the fund in accordance with the legislation and therefore there was doubt as to whether or not the Icelandic government was legally liable for the Icesave deposits to begin with.

Well, "financial irregularities which in accordance with Irish law oblige the directors ..." is legalese that, in essence, means something like "we've caught someone [stealing from the cookie jar / lying about losses] on a so large scale that the board is not sure if the company will be able to pay the money it owes to everyone".There are just a few cases where the law obliges directors to do something; I'm not an expert in Irish legislation, but most likely they are clearly enumerated in a single law.

Accordance definitions


concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"

See also: accord conformity


the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access"