Accommodative in a sentence as an adjective

At its core, the problem is the more accommodative you are of homeless people the more you attract.

Without extremely accommodative Fed policy for the past 10+ years, Congress would be forced to do their job.

We have been the most accommodative over the years and our patience has been tested far beyond permissible limit.

The Fed has an accommodative policy but the transmission mechanism is not working.

If even just one person is remote, we ask everyone to call in rather than going to a meeting room, to force the meeting to be run in an accommodative manner.

Thats assuming the EU isnt easy to buy off - looking at a couple of regulations in the pesticide industry its easy to see they're very accommodative.

Wish Asia-Pacific offices were more accommodative of this idea.

But even the USA, with very flexible labor laws and very accommodative monetary policy hasn't had much of a recovery from the Great Recession.

> The mainstream media - both the news media and entertainment media more broadly - was extremely accommodative and deferential to the Obama administrationYou don't watch FOX News much, I assume

You can then have voted user style sheets/templates for the site that enable somebody who is say colour-blind to select the one best for them. Though for colour blindness I'm surprised none of these smart TV's have the ability for the user to custom remap aspects of the colour palate to accommodating them. Though I'm not colour blind, but it is a common enough issue and a fine solvable example with regards towards a accommodative user interface.

That is, all components of universe are in continually accommodative, associative-disassociative motion reciprocity, and all the moving components of universe continuously affect all the other moving components--in varying degrees, ranging between high and low tide reciprocities of critically intense to critically negligible.

The mainstream media - both the news media and entertainment media more broadly - was extremely accommodative and deferential to the Obama administration largely because he was on the mainstream media's political "side".Given this, many actions taken by the Obama administration that would have dominated the news cycle as impeachment-worthy if taken by the Trump administration were simply ignored or brushed aside by the Obama administration's media allies.

The signs are everywhere:- persistent negative-yielding long-term sovereign debt in Europe- Bank of Japan owns 80% of the Japanese ETF market- a Federal Reserve unable to contain the exploding repo market- price-to-earnings multiple at historic highs, even accounting for declines- stock buybacks galore field by ultra-accommodative central bank policies- all eyes on the Fed to see what kind of shock-and-awe they can deliver- a US administration doing everything in its power to undermine the independence of the Fed and bring on negative interest ratesThe GFC never ended.

Accommodative definitions


helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation; "the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in"; "made a special effort to be accommodating"

See also: accommodating


willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement

See also: cooperative


tending to reconcile or accommodate; bringing into harmony

See also: reconciling