Absent in a sentence as a verb

Sadly Sprint, which has unlimited 4G last i checked, was absent from the release of the new iPad.

What's glaringly absent from the second part of this article is not asking the engineers to come in on weekends, either. Exactly.

So it may well be that she is absent for two years from her job. And it is also true that many women abused this privilege simply by convincing their doctors that they 'cannot perform on the job while pregnant'.

But if you would otherwise be bitter and resentful for what you couldn't accomplish in life - it's better to have an absent dad than a bitter one.

I would not act to antagonize them absent substantial provocation. Not being like you is not a substantial provocation.

If nothing else, TempleOS is a testament to how much one programmer can accomplish absent feedback or collaboration from others. For better or worse.

It is not completely absent but when such a transaction does take place, it is sneaked in different ways and peer pressure works against it. In the northern and western states girl child foeticide is rampant, not so in the other states.

What's glaringly absent from the second part of this article is not asking the engineers to come in on weekends, either. Those guys have families and their negligible equity certainly doesn't justify 80-hour weeks.

A mark of a good leader is being able to build a team that can function even when that leader is absent. So far, Steve Jobs has, for all his eccentricities, succeeded in every other measure of leadership – to an exceptional degree.

This scarcity is artificial because absent that threat of force, everyone would be able to use the idea freely. Physical goods are subject to scarcity as a consequence of physical law; a car acn't be in my driveway and your driveway at the same time.

Absent in a sentence as an adjective

I am not saying that such rules govern your case because it is not possible for anyone to really know your case absent a proper legal review by a knowledgeable lawyer. I am saying you may be making assumptions about your legal rights that may or may not be correct and you should not casually just assume that they are.

I'm not nearly the caliber of firm the NYT would stake their future livelihood on by engaging for this kind of work, but even absent that, the minimum possible scope for that SEO engagement blows $10k out of the water.

However, absent of other context the fact that one individual is 25 and another is 40 has no bearing on the prediction of whether the one individual or the other is a better fit for a technical role. Go for the individual who can show adaptability and/or a history of compounding success in the areas that you need.

Petulant, absent all of his previous ebullience, Mason asserted the business was sustainable, offered no supporting details, and demanded the next question. A good leader has the intellectual honesty to recognize their missteps and explain them, along with the remedies explored.

Software businesses can fail on day 91 in an explosive a fashion as they can on day 1, and it appears from the report of Paypal's communication that Paypal is aware of this and is disinclined to do a fractional rolling reserve absent shipping. One would assume that if they ship this business goes to fairly low-risk instantaneously [+] and a reserve is probably unnecessary at that point.

All of this is common talk among the yachting crowd, and they're worried - people are selling boats and moving back ashore after decades of "marine life", and brand new marinas are rotting absent of tenants. It's not the economic crisis that's forcing these folks out, as they mostly either subsist or are independently wealthy, and they're all pretty clear about it being due to their fears for the future viability of faring the oceans.

That the value of those exploits might be pinned to unethical, immoral, unlawful, or belligerent conduct is irrelevant; markets have to operate in the real world, and we cannot stipulate that the bad actors absent themselves from the real world. So while I personally find the sale of exploits distasteful, I think Soghoian is in the weeds with this argument about exploit developers being "modern merchants of death".

Most people in these communities are very aware and careful regarding the reactions of outside society if it became known what they do in their bedrooms, but the capability to make them feel bad about themselves for acts of nudity or sex is often completely absent.

Although both woodstove and fireplace use were significantly associated with the outcomes in bivariate models, these associations were absent in multivariate models that adjusted for gender, race, day care, number of chil- dren in the household, duration of breast-feeding, winter heating season, use of gas appliances, season of birth, maternal education, maternal history of asthma and allergy, and pets. And here, the most damning bits of summary.

Ceasing paid development means pulling the funding of one developer, a developer who was previously absent for a release cycle when he was on he Bazaar rotation instead - and Kubuntu still managed to make a release. At the same time, other Kubuntu developers have pointed out how this change will actually make it easier for the community to put Kubuntu together in some ways, due to the move of their packages from main to universe removing the need to get Canonical's sign-off for various things.

Absent definitions


go away or leave; "He absented himself"

See also: remove


not being in a specified place


nonexistent; "the thumb is absent"; "her appetite was lacking"

See also: lacking missing wanting


lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"

See also: absentminded abstracted scatty