Aborigine in a sentence as a noun

Even the aborigine is on the receiving end of 15,000 years of tribal knowledge about how to survive in the American wilderness.

The first link is very reminiscent to a CD of native australian aborigine music, even quite similar at some points.

It’s incredible how little of the aborigine history for the 40k years was preserved, even taking into account the mass ****** of many of the elders.

But once again, being outcompeted for resources is different than modern extermination campaigns where one was simply killed for being native, aborigine, jewish, etc.

One one hand:Most of the Australian aborigine people had walked out of the desert by the 1960's, but in 1984 a family of 9 that had lived in the desert, finally also walked out to reunite with their relatives [1].

Where even without any competition for resources, the native americans, aborigines, jews, etc were killed simply for being native american, aborigines, jews, etc.

For example he could've been mentally stuck in a "Australian aborigine" language mode, and experienced some sort of "cat got his tongue" situation where he temporarily couldn't even think or summon english to speak with.

Aborigine definitions


an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students"

See also: native indigen indigene aboriginal


a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived

See also: Aborigine Aboriginal