Abdomen in a sentence as a noun

Come in with a hole in your abdomen, and for sure they'll patch you up even if you don't have insurance.

Free market from price shopping you say?You got hit riding your bike and are bleeding profusely from your abdomen.

- I guess they envisage pouring this material into the abdomen?

What would the life of a soldier look like in the hours, days after he received an injury to the abdomen and being saved by a device like this?

But muscles, the skeleton, the locations of internal organs that gave shape to the abdomen and such were of great interest.

For example, CT scans of the brain seemed to increase the risk of cancer elsewhere in the body, and scans of the abdomen increased the risk of brain cancer.

Regarding this part:"Doctors took X-rays of Eckert’s abdomen and performed a ****** examination.

So, with an epidural catheter in lumbar region, only lower limbs and lower abdomen can be anesthetized.

The method according to claim 8, further comprising the step of having the camera positioned looking down the actor's abdomen during penetration.

A surgeon must take the patient to the operating room urgently, make a slash down the middle of the abdomen, wash out all the bilious and infected fluid, find the hole in the duodenum, and repair it.

Then there is the problem of what to do with the results - for example, if you are diagnosed with possible pancreatic cancer, the treatment is a massive operation to replumb your upper abdomen.

To aid with diagnosis, a compass might be passed close to the abdomen to determine whether an unidentified object in the bowel is magnetic.§ Once magnetically attached across bowel walls, magnets are unlikely to disengage spontaneously.> Building sets and other toys containing magnets pose a substantial hazard to children who commonly mouth objects.

Abdomen definitions


the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis

See also: venter stomach belly


the cavity containing the major viscera; in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm