Cabotage in a sentence as a noun

Is the olive thing a so-called "cabotage" issue?

The Jones act only prevents cabotage[1], which is to say shipping something between two places in the same country.

In addition to all the other problems, you may need to be a US-flagged and US-built vessel depending on how exactly your dock based cruise interacts with the 1920 Jones Act's restrictions on cabotage.

So long as anything or anyone you deliver originated at a port outside the US, or you only ever pick up at ports in the US and never drop off, you're on the right side of the cabotage rules.

Most countries do not permit aviation cabotage, and there are strict sanctions against it, for reasons of economic protectionism, national security, or public safety.

Cabotage definitions


the exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders


navigation in coastal waters