Tuber in a sentence as a noun

I've gotta watch 30 minutes from some tech tuber to get your point?

This could certainly be winnable for the tuber in court with services of a good IP lawyer.

I follow a You tuber his handle is Ave, He went into detail about it , I don't have the video title off hand.

My diet notebooks shows a slight reduction in calories by removing grain-and-tuber carbs.

Po-tay-to, starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum.

Also, my wife sometimes watches cooking vloggers, and I can usually tell at a glance whether the particular tuber is a vegan/vegetarian blogger or not: the ones who are also give this impression of health problems and lethargy.

Or, as a a "spinning" script might reword it:> Implements and setups that take a corpus of tuber text and create meaty number of changes of that tranquil, to avoid duplicate content sanctions when trying to stuff localities to catch Google's contemplation.

Only a casual acquaintance with parasitic plants, but the paper says> All species of Langsdorffia are highly modified parasites comprising just a series of tubers and inflorescences, and lack an ordinary stem structure and all trace of functional apical meristems.

The Balanophoraceae more broadly feature a particularly complicated host-parasite vascular interface, in which the parasitic tuber appears to engulf the host plant's roots the vascular tissues of which infiltrate the parasite tissue extensively.

Tuber definitions


a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage


type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles

See also: Tuber