Testament in a sentence as a noun

Then leave it as a testament to the OS's huge legacy.

The fact that Milner is now working with YC is a sad testament to that fact.

I don't get it - why is a great answer posted on Quota to this question a testament to HN?

This thread stands as a testament to the strong pro-Google bias in the comments section of Hacker News.

It's probably a great testament to its good design that I failed to notice how well it works when browsing Amazon.

It's a testament to Duhigg's work that there are many pieces of it that by themselves could make for captivating posts.

He did not get it here, and that is a sad testament to how crowd-inspired frenzies can bend our perceptions in such faulty ways.

That he came out of that experience and did not engage in a campaign of retribution is a testament to the man's greatness.

The fact that it's still the primary weapon of insurgents, rebels, and terrorists 60+ years later is testament to that.

""The proposed project is a testament to the arrogance, \ndisconnection, and luxury of the ruling class.

It's surely a testament to the quality of Casablanca's writing that its resulting cliches are still so satisfying after all this time.

Much more likely, in my view, is that the case becomes a testament to what happens when a party makes a high-stakes opportunistic legal grab that goes badly awry.

I see this as a testament to the power of the idea, and it seems like claiming that this and that are not really FRP is limiting the impact of the original work.

That's a testament to the sheer volume of people who think that Microsoft's service offering is valuable enough to pay cold hard cash for, but it also, of course, goes straight to Microsoft's bottom line, to the tune of around a billion dollars per year.

It is a testament to the potential that I am still mad at this nearly 5 years later!If they had shipped one freakin' product, that thing where you print to it like a printer and all it did was provide a screen to select which "printout" you wanted to view.

Testament definitions


a profession of belief; "he stated his political testament"


a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die

See also: will


strong evidence for something; "his easy victory was a testament to his skill"


either of the two main parts of the Christian Bible

See also: Testament