Satanism in a sentence as a noun

Maybe Bob went to a poor school-- or no school-- or blogs about satanism or who knows what.

My mom sent me a forward about how Harry Potter was turning people to satanism.

I've seen blogs that equate Keynesian economics to satanism...That's not really fair though, you can find kooks in ANY subject matter.

I've seen blogs that equate Keynesian economics to satanism... There's far more 'kooks' in the anti-Keynesian camp than in the Neoclassical camp.

The difference being that witchcraft and satanism were moral panics that never actually happened to anyone, and rape is something that actually happens to real people fairly often.

It's the same phenomenon that led to the big "satanism" scares late last century and it's the same reason normal people who go to "therapists" who specialize in "alien abduction" wind up "remembering" abduction events once in session.

Satanism definitions


a belief in and reverence for devils (especially Satan)

See also: diabolism demonism Satanism