Reef in a sentence as a noun

They just trawled that reef day and night and stripped it of every living thing.

The reef was much more colourful but it has been declining for a long time now.

We got out of the reef without sinking the boat and decided to just quit the race and go home.

It's worth noting that a world without coral reefs is hardly unprecedented.

And then the backbone of the ship breaks, and your wonder of efficiency becomes an artificial reef.

If there was a Google campus on a remote reef pass in the Mentawais, I might consider taking a seat in a cubicle.

So even if the great reefs die off, then my expectation would be that coral itself would continue to survive in niches.

I've swum through coral reefs, and it's painful to think that the next few dozen generations won't be able to experience that kind of beauty.

Reef in a sentence as a verb

It is more than 800 nautical miles from the Chinese coast and yet Beijing claims that this submerged reef is an integral part of Chinese territory.

This a high quality 360 degree view of a path along a coral reef - no it's not particularly practical but are you genuinely scratching your head trying to come up with ONE thing it does well?

Approximately 14,000 years ago, every coral reef in the world would have been destroyed by Meltwater Pulse 1A[1], an event which caused sea levels to rise by 20 metres in just a few hundred years.

10,000 years from now -- long after we've wised up or died off -- there could very well be great reefs again, and our disruption would be relegated to a small blip in the overall evolutionary record.

Afterwards, sea levels continued to rise rapidly, and the large reefs that we have today could not become established until about 7,000 years ago, when the sea levels finally stabilised.

Although this must have caused the demise of the complex reef ecosystems, coral itself survived, presumably as isolated individuals and very small clusters.

The author's point about impedance between the iPad's design and creative tasks is not made in the context of statistically unlikely tasks such as writing poems or Caribbean reef diving travelogues or skydiving tutorials.

I crawled up to the bow and cut down one of the sails and hand over handed the thing into the boat, and when we finally got it all sorted out and the rain cut back, we were still sailing at full speed and realized we were in the middle of a reef.

Reef definitions


a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the surface of the water


a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese

See also: Witwatersrand Rand Reef


one of several strips across a sail that can be taken in or rolled up to lessen the area of the sail that is exposed to the wind


lower and bring partially inboard; "reef the sailboat's mast"


roll up (a portion of a sail) in order to reduce its area


reduce (a sail) by taking in a reef