Oblation in a sentence as a noun

Ah. I even read the "oblations" as "obligations" in my head.

It has to do with how coordinates were calculated before we had good data on the Earth's oblation.

Furthermore, the criteria for cancer oblation seems to be PSA decrease of 75%, which was achieved in 96% of patients.

That's absolutely true and no amount of studies, hopes, oblations, snarky comments, or any other thing can change that.

Stallman therefore is apparently less vulnerable to the reality distortion field and does not unduly offer oblations to a guy who was obsessed with shininess at the expense of hacker culture.

Oblation definitions


the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity; "oblations for aid to the poor"

See also: offering


the act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist

See also: Oblation