Mesa in a sentence as a noun

On more than one occasion standing outside the house on the mesa outside of town, the utter silence of the place got to me enough that I had to go back inside and talk to somebody. Perhaps my mind would have eventually filled the gap with a hum.

I grew up on a farm, have lived in the hearts of major cities, the middle of an isolated mesa -- basically covered the spectrum of sound environments. Nowhere has the noise gotten to me like in suburbia.

Org/news/2009/oct/26/no-prison-la-mesa-man-c... I'm not sure why you chose this example, but you significantly mischaracterized his remarks and the penalty he suffered.

Mesa definitions


flat tableland with steep edges; "the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water"

See also: table


a city in Arizona just to the east of Phoenix; originally a suburb of Phoenix

See also: Mesa