Lesbian in a sentence as a noun

Assuming that online dating works magically well for gay/lesbian folks but doesn't for straight people seems like a really large leap to make and also seems really untrue from what I've heard.

The leader of the Scottish Conservative Party is a lesbian, the Conservative government just pushed through same-sex marriage legislation.

Roseanne would also fit into that category, as Barr included a lesbian main character because Barr sought "to portray various slices of real life, and homosexuals are a reality.

I personally know a lesbian couple that forces their boy to wear dresses, play with dolls, and talk down anything traditionally "male".I am sorry, I don't see how that would be the same as "denying any difference between men and women".

Lesbian in a sentence as an adjective

I've got the freedom to spend my days writing and drawing a comic about a lesbian robot with reality problems instead of scrambling for crappy web dev work or begging my friends who draw stuff for PopCap for an in to go work all week on stuff I don't care much about.

The term has been reclaimed by creative intellectuals among themselves, but is always a term of derision on some level when used by those outside this group, comparable to the n word with african americans and the d and f words in the gay and lesbian communities.

I personally know a lesbian couple that forces their boy to wear dresses, play with dolls, and talk down anything traditionally "male".I completely agree with your original post but it's hard to deny there's a turd in the feminist kool-aid bowl and no one is willing to pull it out.

Lesbian definitions


a female homosexual

See also: tribade


a resident of Lesbos

See also: Lesbian


of or relating to or characterized by homosexual relations between woman

See also: sapphic