Latino in a sentence as a noun

As a result the school is now 2/3 asian, 1/4 non-latino white, and 4% black or latino.

You seem to be implying that blacks or latinos have a "different subculture" particularly in how they "treat money".

Meanwhile, this guy says that management at a large SF gaming company is routinely harassing black and latino staff members.

Giving a small band of Cherokee profits from one of their own casinos =/= giving poor blacks and latinos federal assistance.

I thought that in Los Angeles, a city with latino population measured in the several millions, I'd be able to find some kind of book shop catering to Spanish speakers.

Latino in a sentence as an adjective

"* The latino coworker is then told "I would have gotten you one too but they didnt have ******* to english"* The author, who is black, is then told "Hey hes dressed like Run DMC, does he know how to rap?

You should consider that that joke is only funny to people who are comfortable in their surroundings and among their peers; to the lone latino or black person in the office, they come across much differently.

But that doesn't indicate stereotypically latino or hispanic features indicate extroversion.

""Successfully repeating this experiment in poor black and latino populations a few times would go a long ways towards convincing the skeptical... "I'm all in favor of repeating the experiment in whatever populations, ideally the general one on a large enough sample size to tease out demographic information.

Latino definitions


a native of Latin America

See also: Latino


an artificial language based on words common to the Romance languages

See also: Latino


related to a Spanish-speaking people or culture; "the Hispanic population of California is growing rapidly"

See also: Hispanic Latino