Ionic in a sentence as a noun

The MSRs use molten salts in the sense of ionic compounds, not in the sense of NaCl.

But they are limited to the ionic current signal, which is very noisy and weak.

When electricity moves through the skin this transfer from electric to ionic energy happens.

I'm sure organic molecules would be small enough to get between the beads but too heavy/not ionic enough to bond to the mesh, or something.

Ionic in a sentence as an adjective

It's angular, with cordova/phonegap packaged alongside it, and then a whole load of ionic sauce in the form of css and angular directives to make the thing work on mobiles in a polished way.

They don't know for sure, but this is the hypothesis from the paper: "Anatomical connections may have persisted after the injury that were previously 'silent' because of loss of conduction as a result of disruption of myelin or the ionic channels of the neurons.

As sperm travels in this coated tube, the ionic attraction causes damage on a cellular level in the sperm, the pull effect effectively destroying the sperm "tail" and preventing it from fertilizing a female but without hormonal/medical methods!For me, as an engineer, this was a true revelation.

Ionic definitions


the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens and Ionia

See also: Attic Ionic


containing or involving or occurring in the form of ions; "ionic charge"; "ionic crystals"; "ionic hydrogen"


of or pertaining to the Ionic order of classical Greek architecture

See also: Ionic


of or relating to Ionia or its inhabitants or its language

See also: Ionic