Frost in a sentence as a noun

The town was blanketed in the stuff, cars caked in frost, trees dangling ice.

Is there an Odin particle that banishes frost giants?

Do not get it on your clothing, though, because then you can't retreat quickly and the frost is going to bite!

You can charge the car thinking you have 300 miles of range, and you do. Then you make the same trip again, but an overnight frost takes a huge chunk of that away from you, and now you can't make it back.

Frost in a sentence as a verb

For anyone else that was about to go check: Partly cloudy today with a 10% chance of precipitation tonight, no frost expected.

From the article: "The company has deliberately avoided filing patents on its heat exchanger technology to avoid details of how it works - particularly the method for preventing the build-up of frost - becoming public.

A sudden terror and suspicion of what it loved, a lightning-bolt of contempt for what it called 'duty', a rebellious, arbitrary, volcanically erupting desire for travel, strange places, estrangements, coldness, soberness, frost, a hatred of love, perhaps a desecrating blow and glance backwards to where it formerly loved and worshipped.-- Nietzsche

Frost definitions


ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

See also: hoar hoarfrost rime


weather cold enough to cause freezing

See also: freeze


the formation of frost or ice on a surface

See also: icing


United States poet famous for his lyrical poems on country life in New England (1874-1963)

See also: Frost


decorate with frosting; "frost a cake"


provide with a rough or speckled surface or appearance; "frost the glass"; "she frosts her hair"


cover with frost; "ice crystals frosted the glass"


damage by frost; "The icy precipitation frosted the flowers and they turned brown"