Bangla in a sentence as a noun

Pakhi means bird in bangla. I was not aware it was a racist term when i named it.

Org/sites/default/files/bangladesh_2019_poll... They like the things that come along with having an Anglo legal system that makes it easy for people to invest in the country.

Then they move on to vietnam, bangla desh and so on. Eventually baseline salaries everywhere becomes the same and outsourcing stops making sense.

Proper Noun Examples for Bangla

This is really useful to everyone exploring their APIs. I just found that the visualizations can render unicoded bangla text, which I had assumed wouldn't work since it didn't work in the charts api. edit: Bangla is only working where they're using svg.

Bangla definitions


a Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and Bengal

See also: Bengali Bangla