Write in a sentence as a verb

That's what got me off my lazy butt to write this thing.

Let's go contract someone to, um, write some games for us.

You must be able to read, write, speak and understand English.

All those blog posts we write were we crawl the web and do analysis based on the data?

Not all writes are created equal, and it makes sense to be able to check on writes in different ways.

Or if they find they need a law to make conduct lawful, they just write a new law or reinterpret an old one and keep on going.

Reminds me, I should write my own story of how I made $190 on the App Store while exercising 15 years of coding experience.

By the time we reached Calculus I was still doing most of it in my head, as I had never really learned to write it out on paper.

For example with replica sets, you can do things like dont acknowledge this write until its on nodes in at least 2 data centers.> 2. MongoDB can lose data in many startling ways> 1.

But for the most part they just have a bunch of crappy tools that read and write state machine information into relational databases.

What's better than Excel?In a corporate environment, often the best way to get things done is to circumvent the official software and just write something that works.

If you want verification that replication is working at write time, you can do it with w=2 getLastError parameter.> 3. MongoDB requires a global write lock to issue any write> Under a write-heavy load, this will **** you.

As another example, I have been doing Ruby professionally for almost 10 years now, and despite this I have to strongly disagree with the conclusion of this quotation:Python is a beautiful, clean language. But the same restrictions that make it nice and clean mean that it’s hard to write beautiful, clean libraries.

Facebook has value, but no matter what your privacy settings are set to, no matter what you delete, always assume that anything you write or do on Facebook - in any context - will be embarrassingly public.

The FDA also can and does write "guidances" outside of the legislative process which will make your business model illegal overnight or vastly more expensive due to unanticipated regulatory costs.

Here we have a group of objectivist libertarians who believe that there should be effectively no laws other than the law of economics and self-interest who run an illegal website devoted to the pure greed of cashing in on contraband, and this is what they write:"I’ve included transaction logs at the bottom of this message.

Write definitions


produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"

See also: compose indite


communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"


have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"

See also: publish


communicate (with) in writing; "Write her soon, please!"


communicate by letter; "He wrote that he would be coming soon"


write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"

See also: compose


mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"


record data on a computer; "boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk"

See also: save


write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word); "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"

See also: spell


create code, write a computer program; "She writes code faster than anybody else"