Publish in a sentence as a verb

"There should be consequences for the people who publish these things.

And indeed, this result was published without peer review.

Now I publish on Google Play and my app is available to 750 million people four hours later.

I started out as a self-published author myself, and built up my company from there.

So when you said you wanted the rights back so you could self-publish the second edition yourself, we accepted that.

HTP threatened to widely publish all this sensitive information if Linode didn't stay quiet.

Digital media is simply digital media; if you do it right you publish once and it works anywhere.

In my mind, though, this is all the more reason to publish this research and, while we're at it, pour some more money into the worldwide flu monitoring network.

Or the reader who knowingly accepts the result despite it being published without peer review and/or corroboration?

The council actually did it's work in a very transparent manner, using Facebook and other social media to publish drafts and gather feedback.

I've been in plenty of meetings with bright people from inside and outside the company where we started off with the goal that, as he put it, "if you do it right you publish once and it works anywhere".

By the time I even heard about the issue, you were asking for a reprint that has a two month lead time with only three months to go before you were planning to publish the second edition.

After all, since he plans to self-publish the second edition, there is nothing to prevent him from self-publishing additional copies of the first edition if he requires them.

There are two issues here: a particular dispute between O'Reilly Media and one of our authors, and the relative advantages of using a publisher versus going it alone.

So... it's perfectly ok to publish tons of linkbaits about 'how steve jobs changed my life' even if they are vague and repetitive boring opinions, but nobody can state his negative views on this occasion.

In an effort to disguise and mitigate the fact that they have little idea how to publish digital content properlyoften sneakily called "differentiation"some news outlets release apps for digital devices.

Publish definitions


put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce"; "These news should not be printed"

See also: print


prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"

See also: issue release


have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"

See also: write