Wordplay in a sentence as a noun

The whole concept of "sending party network pays" is just an elaborate wordplay.

"No, I'm just talking out of my ***" would have been a sufficient answer, instead of your evasive wordplay.

What do you think they are children or mentally incapable of processing wordplay?

Forgive me, but if you don't even like wordplay on a "dark" topic, what kind of dark humor is it that you find acceptable?

As amusing as your wordplay might be, the point being made is that Notch's coding skill should not be idolized or used as a reference for writing good code.

But with every one of these comments in which you defend these people for no reason other than wordplay you lose a little bit of that reputation, at least with me.

Wordplay definitions


a humorous play on words; "I do it for the pun of it"; "his constant punning irritated her"

See also: punning paronomasia