Punning in a sentence as a noun

Which part of the C standard would forbid type punning a uint32 to a float32?

I'd describe that as "verbing" it rather than "punning" it.

> at the risc of performancethat's some good punning.

The C99 standard explicitly says type punning through a union is allowed.

The experts say type punning is the way to go but type punning relies in another not defined behavior.

Driver code tends not to use the whole language, though it can do some weird low-level stuff like pointer type punning that can be hard to model in CL.

Actually, the upcoming C1X standard makes type punning via union legal.

' 'There's a provocative analysis of the arms trade and some particularly egregious punning of the sort you claim to despise.

I am the author of the email you quoted, and the punning reference to "patchy" is exactly what the "say 'Apache Server' ten times fast" bit was meant to refer to.

And now you've descended into tinfoil hattery, using the classic technique of tinfoil hatters: punning on the words "honor" and "privilege.

Ambiguity may not be introduced for raw efficiency, but instead to indicate powerf techniques through punning.

Category theorists sometimes use the punning device of treating “iso” as an adjective, so that an “isomorphism” is an “iso morphism”.But before you can talk about morphisms, you need to know which category you‘re talking about.

Punning definitions


a humorous play on words; "I do it for the pun of it"; "his constant punning irritated her"

See also: wordplay paronomasia