Wordiness in a sentence as a noun

I'm not a fan of wordiness for the sake of being wordy. If you think the code is terse just to show off you are missing the point.

And, personally, the wordiness just gets in the way, at least for me. Extra words just means I can make more mistakes.

I haven't personally noticed any buzz-wordiness about that term lately. Maybe I'm just not looking at the same stuff as you.

I cannot find how they controlled for the wordiness of the different languages. They changed one token in each file, but the number of tokens per file might be different.

The wordiness adds pomp and circumstance to the article, which I guess the authors take to mean that it makes it sound authoritative.

The wordiness of legalese may actually be a place to pad. Also, extraneous terms and clauses that might sound plausible and have no bearing on what's actually being claimed.

My impression is that David processes emails more "deeply" than the average person, so I think he could handle the wordiness. Others would probably trash it more quickly.

Lot's of good stuff here, could use some editing to cut down the wordiness and emphasize the conclusions. Obvious affiliate links were obvious.

But otherwise the extra wordiness was almost completely obviated by the editor. It was a very odd experience.

I'm all for sound reasoning showing pitfalls of certain languages - which despite its wordiness, the article demonstrates a severe lack of. IMO the biggest reason not to use CoffeeScript is the lack of a good debugging experience.

While I mostly agree, breaking out a comment for every parameter tends to wordiness and to encourage you not to see and explain your purpose synoptically. Like, this: > Perform an n-fold frobulation.

Because language is based on social consensus, the most common sense approach to the problem would be to determine 'wordiness' of a string by checking how many people consider it to be a word. We are trying to do something like this with large-scale studies for English and Dutch.

The document is a work in progress, please excuse poor formatting or overly wordiness, but let me know which areas need work and I'll keep chopping away at it. Corrections, suggestions and recommendations to the spec are much appreciated.

It needs a good reread, edit and subedit to reduce wordiness. Another example that I have a hard time understanding: "Here is what a recent study found: The sleep deprived person can in fact deliver the exact same results as someone who isnt sleep deprived in an exercise, for when they give it their best shot."

> Read critically surely that means accepting that a bulk of research papers are written exceptionally poorly with excessive wordiness and jargon, a lack of good paragraph structure and not very much real content. if you have to tell people who can read how to read something, its probably written incorrectly.

Actually, in contradistinction to buzz-wordiness, most of the terms he used such as tensegrity have quite precise definitions- conceptually, as well in mechanical terms. If you want to get a true introduction to the depth and breadth of his thinking, I highly recommend his magnum opus 'Synergetics' [1].

Don't get me wrong: I dislike wordiness and consider myself an advocate for simplicity, minimalism, and concision – and that might be the author's sentiment. However, while bloated instruction may hinder task completion and user engagement, incomplete instruction will prevent it.

Twitter proponents act like the internet was a giant cesspool of wordiness, and that Twitter was somehow the savior - I don't remember this internet when everyone was writing run-on sentences and long essays about their day.

Verbose: 1 : containing more words than necessary : wordy verbose reply>; also : impaired by wordiness verbose style> 2 : given to wordiness verbose orator> The word has a definition and you're either ignoring it to suit your point of view, or you don't know what it means. If you want to argue that there are good kinds of verbosity and bad kinds that's fine, but don't try to make up your own definition and expect anyone to buy it.

Wordiness definitions


boring verbosity

See also: prolixity prolixness windiness long-windedness