Wishful in a sentence as an adjective

You should know by now that's wishful thinking, and wishful thinking is, frankly, what got you into this mess in the first place.

They presented no evidence that this isn't wishful thinking, which I'd be keen to establish it wasn't if I was in their place.

Of course that kind of extrapolation is mostly just wishful thinking, but Google's success in this market is impressive.

That and the wishful concept video almost guarantee the initial product will be a disappointment.

The economics of Star Trek won't be coherent, because it was pieced together through multiple series and some wishful thinking while retaining certain properties needed for the universe to be interesting.

It's hard not to read the whole thing and think the people involved were very foolish, and it's an example of the lengths to which people can push wishful thinking and confirmation bias and ignore basic arguments like 'how could someone bury treasure in such a difficult to excavate way without anyone noticing them constructing it all, and how did they ever expect to retrieve it?

Me personally, it's gambling, pornography, sulking alone, facebooking acquaintances to see how they're doing better than me or worse, checking sports score and living vicariously through the lives of professional athletes on and off the field, checking TechCrunch/Hack News and doing the same with tech billionaires, making up lists and goals alone or with other people that will never come to fruition due to excessive wishful thinking and ambition to overcompensate but fun to preoccupy my mind for the time being.

Wishful definitions


having or expressing desire for something; "desirous of high office"; "desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem"

See also: desirous


desiring or striving for recognition or advancement

See also: aspirant