Desirous in a sentence as an adjective

Local Christian congregations donate copies of the Christian scripture to be given free of charge to those prisoners desirous of them.

"I would restate that in my own way as follows:I consider myself thirsty for life, thirsty and desirous of enjoying my life experiences.

Contrary to the company's apparent strategy, this actually makes joining the service less desirous for me.

Well, the definition of "ready" you offer seems to be something like "desirous of concluding the interview process quickly".

So the question becomes, if people are going to have sex, how can we minimize the problems associated with this perfectly natural and desirous act?

Rather the author of this blog post seems to recognize that the public is desirous of far more, and that they may be led so easily by piecing out details bit-by-bit.

That these were the sentiments of low, weak minds: that for his part, as he had made it his study to surpass others in glory, so he was desirous of excelling them in justice and equity.

The main issue with "eating sensibly" for people who don't naturally do so is that it requires thinking about food all day, which means being desirous of food all day, even if you're not technically "hungry".

And now that there is a fairly large body of people who are both code capable and desirous of such a standard in order to create, share, and modify 3D designs, there might be enough energy to make it happen.

>It appalls me that HN is so adamantly desirous of the freedom of the press, the freedom of anonymity, the freedom of assembly, etc., but sees no problem with calling for the mass restrictions of freedoms in work, housing, healthcare, and the like.

I have been ever opposed to the party, so falsely called federalists, because I believe them desirous of introducing, into our government, authorities hereditary or otherwise independant [sic] of the national will.

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.

Desirous definitions


having or expressing desire for something; "desirous of high office"; "desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem"

See also: wishful