Winnowing in a sentence as a noun

Chaffing and winnowing[1], as proposed by Rivest, can handle this.

The winnowing is precipitous over the next ten years following that: 1% make it to 100.

" It was a winnowing question to separate the tool users from the folks who knew what actually happened.

\nAlso utilizing chaffing and winnowing allows you to use almost any kind of service to transfer your data.

If you keep winnowing down until you give most of the power to one group which the majority of people don't mind, they can push through whatever legislation they want with impunity.

That it will lead over time to a domestication of the population, a winnowing out of the masculine and risk taking character in the population?-devin f

It does lead to winnowing of small cheap well located apartments though, that you would otherwise move from but now you have a great opportunity to hold onto and put on AirBnB indefinitely.

It's not clear to me if that addresses your question, but Roberts criticizes professional science for too much focus on expensive testing of popular hypotheses and not enough on generating and cheap winnowing of ideas.

By any quantitative theory of political voice, that up front winnowing from 300 million to ten or so is more substantive than the election itself.-- in the business sector, power is wielded with far more responsibility.

So I'm totally making stuff up here, and my interest in crypto has a hackish rather than academic flavor, but...Couldn't we design a system that doesn't fall in this scenario, by using a constant-rate packet-blasting network that emits "background radiation" even if nothing is happening, and then filters out the good stuff via chaffing/winnowing [1]?

Winnowing definitions


the act of separating grain from chaff; "the winnowing was done by women"

See also: winnow sifting