Width in a sentence as a noun

Lumber only changes in width, not in length.

So I'm pretty sure it's the webcam itself auto-controlling the width, and not Skype.

Then users never worry about getting the heigh/width ratio right or bother with the cropping step.

Ok hackers, listen up...I know you love your fluid-width layouts, but just because you can fill the entire window with content, doesn't mean you have to.

Top comment is prize-worthy:Elijah Madden: I hope there's a fixed-width version so I can use it for coding.

""Oh, your news article is 25% of the width of the page and the other 75% is navigation, ads, and other unrelated articles?

On a printer, where there is no "pixel" worth anchoring to, the units are typically anchored to physical units, and width: 1cm really does mean 1cm.

I do perf work at Facebook, and over time I've become more and more convinced that the most crucial metric is the width of the latency histogram.

I'm pretty scared of Eclipse and the slow-as-**** emulator doesn't sound fun, but coding layouts that don't involve lots of "how tall is this text for this given width?

Mostly because the Linux desktop market has been such a small part of the whole desktop market as to barely merit a full pixel width in a pie chart of desktop OSes.

Or all of the goddamn fixed-width "experiences" that were either too wide for what users wanted their window to be or so narrow that acres of space were wasted.

I have actually seen this exact behavior with the Microsoft LifeCam, which often auto-changes the width of the video stream.

[1] Certain types of objects [traces, poly-lines] had a width property inherent in them and could be used reasonably for small data-sets or special cases.

Here's an ironic aside about the lengths people have gone to to make 1px correspond as closely as possible to a real pixel: As you say, 'marking a button as "width: 1cm" will almost never render something over 1cm of the screen geometry'.

Width definitions


the extent of something from side to side

See also: breadth