Wickedness in a sentence as a noun

7. the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.

The bros' wickedness comes back to bite them again and again, and we laugh as their lives spiral into doom.

All forms of government are attempts to manage human wickedness.

" Law is an imperfect tool for managing human wickedness.

Just setup sync for all my docs and pictures to be automatically sent to Box = wickedness

That's called whistle blowing and he exposed the wickedness and the corruption of your "adored" government.

>Punishment without reason in real life is known as wickedness, cruelty, bullying...I had some issue with this point.

The man who is saved by weakness from robust wickedness is likewise rendered immune from robuster virtues.

In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Most democracies have one, so empirically I would say such "wickedness" is popular.

Maybe the poster has a more international perspective as one can judge the wickedness of a country by stepping outside the border.

Because Europeans are obsessed with America's alleged wickedness and yet they complain that it is hard for them to start their business here.

You don't think it cheapens the world 'evil' to be using it like that?I don't think control constitutes "profound immorality and wickedness" to be honest.

Your contortions, while amusing, rewrite history in order to maintain your unhealthy obsession with America's alleged wickedness.

Just because there are bad people we can't know what our government does?Let's stipulate all the bad wickedness you would like me to think there is. How much of that has the actual means to threaten the US in any economically or militarily significant way?With radical transparency may find that we're harming ourselves more by overspending on security theater, and that, for all their wickedness, most of those wicked people can't afford a bus ticket to the next town, much less to actually do anything with their wickedness.

Wickedness definitions


morally objectionable behavior

See also: evil immorality iniquity


absence of moral or spiritual values; "the powers of darkness"

See also: iniquity darkness dark


the quality of being wicked

See also: nefariousness vileness ugliness


estrangement from god

See also: sinfulness


the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions; "the vileness of his language surprised us"

See also: loathsomeness repulsiveness sliminess vileness lousiness