Immorality in a sentence as a noun

Namely, the most common use of the concept of immorality is to label "stuff I don't like".

That's completely aside from the deep immorality of using such techniques in the first place.

Is there sense in following their rules or are they just another example of the worlds pervasive immorality?

What is the use of being the premier institute in the world, and do just about nothing about such a obvious immorality!

It's much easier to dream about technology solving all our ills, when a lot of our problems are an effect of immorality.

You don't think it cheapens the world 'evil' to be using it like that?I don't think control constitutes "profound immorality and wickedness" to be honest.

The question of immorality is irrelevant unless it is also illegal.

Deutsch even proposes that hampering the correction of mistakes is the most important criterion of immorality.

This sort of obvious corruption and immorality in character present in a group that has so much power with very little oversight is repugnant.

"Based on the contents of what Manning's leaks, shouldn't we be a lot more worried about depending on a military and state department rife with corruption and immorality?

We will be spared the logical contortions required to explain away the obvious immorality and idiocy of many of the people running these institutions.

If your customers want to express their opinion about a CEO's views and the potential insecurity of their product or the immorality of things going on behind the scenes, they have every right to boycott and publicly protest.

It's irrelevant whether the person is paid or not for a favourable review if you actually like the end product and agree with the review!The entire idea of "immorality of paid reviews" screams of teenage "your band sold out because lots of people like you".

""Curtis is saying that the lines between the two have become dangerously blurred, so that the latest banking scandal is reacted to as though it's a tale of private immorality that we should just shake our heads and tut about, in the same way we might about Miley Cyrus' latest exploits.

But when it comes to people getting angry about unions of employees who are supposed to be working on the public's behalf engaged in lobbying in support of their own private interests, I can't think of a more clear-cut case of immorality than a prison-guard union lobbying for more prisoners.

Immorality definitions


the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct; "the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction"


morally objectionable behavior

See also: evil wickedness iniquity