Whimsicality in a sentence as a noun

Certainly, but missing the whimsicality of these older machines.

From the late 16th century were offered various hypotheses, some of which attract with their whimsicality and stubbornness in defending them.

It is however extremely English, this kind of whimsicality in the face of interpersonal violence.

Quite frankly I thought they would be way more outlandish and unusable in the context of being a logo simply because of the name and the whimsicality of the current iteration.

Whimsicality definitions


the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment; "I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory"

See also: flightiness arbitrariness whimsy whimsey capriciousness


the trait of behaving like an imp

See also: impishness mischievousness puckishness