Arbitrariness in a sentence as a noun

Instead, it's the stupid arbitrariness of it that gets you.

The arbitrariness of the prosecution in the US is just staggering.

You're just pushing the arbitrariness of defining things one step further to the definition of a number.

This is a testament to how much weight luck holds in achieving a successful career, and how one's life is largely governed by people's whims and general arbitrariness.

Nothing wrong with that "arbitrariness", but the visual language continues to evolve - maybe we'll see a paper clip icon even in "Avengers"-like interfaces for this reason.

"The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees oneself of the chains that shackle the spirit... the arbitrariness of the constraint only serves to obtain precision of execution.

Well, the first and most obvious example is the inconsistency and arbitrariness with which Apple approved or rejected AppStore applications.

I understand this is a bit tangential to your point, but bear with me...Now, when you look at the way the US justice system actually does things, you get this perception of arbitrariness or even randomness.

The way people like to complain about the bloat and arbitrariness of C++, but then still quietly wind up using it, reminds me a lot of the common complaints about the arbitrary pronunciation and other quirks of the English language.

We allowed him this power in large part because the criminal trial interposed the safeguard of adjudication against the danger that he might bring those resources to bear against an innocent citizen-whether on account of honest error, arbitrariness, or worse.

Cryptocurrency will have been worth its short-term weight in carbon dioxide and money laundering if, at a minimum, it illuminates the minds of a good number of people to the fundamental arbitrariness of economics and all the philosophical consequences it entails.

"* It further argues that this government-dominated settlement process places all power in the hands of the attorney, thereby undermining the rule of law by introducing an element of arbitrariness and politics to what should be governed by blind justice:"This undermines the predictability and clarity that serve as the foundations for the rule of law, and risks the prospect of a selective—and potentially corrupt—system of justice in which everybody is guilty of something and punishment is determined by political deals.

Arbitrariness definitions


the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment; "I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory"

See also: flightiness whimsicality whimsy whimsey capriciousness