Wean in a sentence as a verb

You can wean them off of the custom editor later. Also, you'll almost definitely want to include the most basic an intro to debugging code.

A vastly more effective approach would be to encourage and cheer those trying to wean America from its addiction to automobiles... .

I appreciate what Elon Musk is doing to advance electric cars and wean us off of oil, but he is a shrewd businessman subject to the fallibilities of all shrewd businessmen. He is neither a messiah nor a saint.

It just shows how difficult it can be for a large organization to wean itself off proprietary software lock-in. The good news is that future similar migrations will be much easier and faster, now that Munich has shown the way for others to follow.

I used Suboxone to wean myself from physical dependence to opiates after years of pain management. I agree that the article glosses over how bad opiate physical withdrawals are, and my experience didn't include the emotional withdrawals.

Jono Bacon's little essay convinces me that RMS is right, and I plan to wean myself from Ubuntu and find another distribution to install on my laptops -- and I will cease my practice of recommending Ubuntu to people starting out with linux. This is entirely because Bacon's reply to RMS fails to address his criticisms.

As long as your child is healthy, it's perfectly possible to wean them early, send them to child care, get them to sleep through the night by not rushing to their side every three seconds, train them to play quietly by themselves, teach them not interrupt their parents when they're busy, get babysitters whenever you have a social occasion, and put your relationship with your spouse first and foremost. Your kids will be just fine.

Wean definitions


gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk; "she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk"; "The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle"

See also: ablactate


detach the affections of