Waving in a sentence as a noun

This isn't akin to waving a gun at a teller.

It is a giant rusty ship heading to its grave, the captain waving his big dick around "Doesn't matter what everyone says, this will be successful!

She overheard and decided to make an issue of it by naming and shaming them in a very public way while waving her employer's flag.

This whole flag-waving typical Techcrunch rant is based on the assumption that education only serves to feed the economy.

For anything to change in that regard, Congress must act." [end of repost comments]In filing this amicus brief, Google, et al. are waving the Prometheus decision up and down before the full en banc Federal Circuit and imploring it not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

It's only waving it's hands in my face and telling me that I should be angry, telling me that a lot of different things are connected, and telling me that certain people are so inherently bad that anything they do or say is bad.

Waving definitions


the act of signaling by a movement of the hand

See also: wave wafture