Dormant in a sentence as an adjective

They've only been "stale and dormant" for those not paying attention.

* How to build factories that can stay dormant for a thousand years, wake up and operate as well as the day they were built.

Known, material security issues may lay dormant for months with no patching.

When Microsoft allowed IE to go dormant, my hatred for it blossomed in the same manner that affected many of us here.

You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state.

I seldom comment on HN, and when I do I typically do so in threads that are somewhat dormant, with little activity.

If they were concerned with squatters or dormant accounts they would have actually nixed the account, not renamed it to something else.

Personally i believed from the start that Greece should have exited the euro in order to revitalize its dormant economy.

And if that's true, then we have to really live it - we have to take it for everything it has and "die enormous" instead of "living dormant," as I said way back on "Can I Live.

Clearly, by considering all these bitcoins as "lost" rather than "hoarded" we are underestimating the number of bitcoins which are kept dormant in "saving accounts".

Apollo 12 retrieved a Surveyor 3 camera that had been on the Moon for over two years and contained Streptococcus mitis bacteria that survived in a dormant state and were recultured back on Earth.

For one thing, the worm can't survive in any form outside humans for any significant period of time; there's no dormant form that can lurk in the soil or water, and it apparently can't infect other animals.

If instead of summing the transaction values we sum the nal balances of all the addresses that were active after July 18th 2010 but became inactive in the last three months, we get that 55% of all coins in the system are dormant in this sense.

One can also argue that very old dormant bitcoins were simply abandoned or lost by users who experimented with the system in its early days, when it was very dicult to buy anything or to exchange bitcoins into dollars.

In ways for which many are deeply thankful, it is using all the resources of modern technology to add huge value to otherwise dormant copyrighted works and to use the resulting product in ways that truly advances arts and science.

Dormant definitions


in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation; "dormant buds"; "a hibernating bear"; "torpid frogs"

See also: torpid


(of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct ; "a dormant volcano"

See also: inactive


lying with head on paws as if sleeping

See also: sleeping


inactive but capable of becoming active; "her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened"

See also: abeyant