Warn in a sentence as a verb

As I warn people, "First, you do. Then you tell people how to do it.

He tried to warn rails about it, and they closed the issue.

I work on the team that generated the warning that seems to be the crux of this post.

If only I could find a righteous way to warn others, "Run the other way!

If you submit a link to a video or pdf, please warn us by appending [video] or [pdf] to the title.

Today hurricanes do not hit land by surprise, we have enough time to warn people so that they can evacuate or hunker down.

Also, compilers typically warn about at least the first error above.

Dropbox destroys user files against the will of users all the time--it's inherent in the concept of a syncing service, and why we warn each other, "Dropbox is not a backup service.

The type checker will warn you when you have a type declaration that appears to be incorrect, and will optimized based on these declarations, but will not keep you from running code that violates a type-check.

While nearly everyone else was focused on more mundane concerns of immediate importance, he was worried and tried to warn us about long-term, higher-order, societal consequences.

Not just a warning about some mysterious "perils of downloading unauthorized content"?What premises could you possibly have that would make the correct conclusion "warn people 5 times and then take some vague and indeterminate action"?

They didn't warn users that this change was coming, or get their approval in advance.- Facebook represented that third-party apps that users' installed would have access only to user information that they needed to operate.

Warn definitions


notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"


admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"

See also: discourage admonish monish


ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"


notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"