Discourage in a sentence as a verb

- At some point, someone will discourage you.

Basically, they're the sort of thing that HN wants to discourage.

Even discourage is probably too strong a word though.

I don't want to discourage you from looking for a mentor; it's awesome to find one.

I learned one thing: I will never use LayerVault's service, and discourage anyone I know from using it.

It'll keep up the current "tipping culture", discourage hoarding, and encourage us doge to trade and share, til we get to the moon.

These days I discourage interactive things like rollovers because, they are a crutch, and mobile devices don't support them.

Seems like they have a fairly obvious purpose: discourage Sony from being heavy-handed against hobbyist hackers.

It's basically "don't run your own scripts to interfere with our site, and we'll use scary-sounding security words in an attempt to discourage you from doing it.

If the tax law says if you do Foo with shell company Bar through subsidiary Baz, then you get more money, legislators wrote that there for some reason because they wanted to encourage or discourage some behavior.

We should have a blog post up in the next few days with the details, I won't steal the thunder but the new site will discourage spam, promote plugins with higher quality, and provide a consistent way for users to report/discuss bugs.> Wouldn't it be better to open the new plugin site then close the old one?Yeah that was our goal.

Discourage definitions


try to prevent; show opposition to; "We should discourage this practice among our youth"

See also: deter


deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged


admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"

See also: warn admonish monish