Wannabee in a sentence as a noun

How is calling a wannabee geek a wannabe geek somehow wrong?2.

As a consequence a lot of wannabee writers are not really cut from the right cloth for it.

And even if it brands you as a wannabee, bosses and investors may see you as a useful wannabee.

The title makes me interested, but I don't have the patience to wade through the novelist-wannabee writing.

I think it's not a coincidence that a good number of nations with delusional tin-pot autocratic wannabee's have been hit very hard by covid-19.

Sadly yes some of this does work, but you have to buy the tools and resources promoted by these sorts of sites, most of which would only seem to have experience using them to market SEO tools to other wannabee web marketers.

"You can't seriously compare teaching command line kungfu to some wannabee geeks in their spare time with the hardcore brainwashing given to infantry troops so they acquire enough Pavlovian reflex to stand and run below a shower of bombs and bullets."1.

You can't seriously compare teaching command line kungfu to some wannabee geeks in their spare time with the hardcore brainwashing given to infantry troops so they acquire enough Pavlovian reflex to stand and run below a shower of bombs and bullets.

"He said, "You can't seriously compare teaching command line kungfu to some wannabee geeks in their spare time with the hardcore brainwashing given to infantry troops so they acquire enough Pavlovian reflex to stand and run below a shower of bombs and bullets.

> the virus is not nearly as dangerous and lethal as people fearWhereas being still deadlier than the combination of all wolves, dogs, crocodiles, hippos, lions, tigers, elephants, sharks, spiders and all known venomous snakes in the planet...Any serial killer wannabee would **** for having the same results in just three months

As an extra note, I have noticed a pattern with wannabee contributors with no system programming skills, of thinking that heavy commenting in the runtime low-level code would magically make them become system programmers...The plan has always been to provide architecture-oriented documents and code maps to ease the navigation for core contributors.

Wannabee definitions


an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"

See also: aspirant aspirer hopeful wannabe