Wannabe in a sentence as a noun

This is where all the wannabe startup hipsters move to!

The next Bill Gates is most definitely NOT languishing unnoticed in some intern pool waiting to be discovered like some Hollywood wannabe starlet.

How could they have left out the patronizing irrelevant [0] links [1] to Wikipedia [2] in all the wannabe-academic [3] comments with references[4]?

Do you know how many dentists there are in nl?So, instead of going for venture capital this dentist-wannabe-programmer built himself a money printing press that printed more money than he and his extended family will ever be able to spend.

It could easily have been a story about LA and a bunch of wannabe actors waiting tables and going to auditions - some will luck into roles, others will burn out and take normal jobs, a lucky few will walk into top roles because of connections, family or supreme talent.

"In the age of digital wonders, more than ever we are dependent upon the vigilance of citizens of conscience to protect us against Orwellian scenarios of those many wannabe Darth Vadors lurking in the murky depths of the governmental bureaucracy..."This is probably the most sober assessment of the current situation which is both optimistic and depressing simultaneously.

Wannabe definitions


an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"

See also: aspirant aspirer hopeful wannabee