Wads in a sentence as a noun

Yes. I can stuff my ears with wads of $100 bills to cancel the noise from peasants.

Not like making wads of money. That said early on I realized that many of the things that I did nobody cared about.

Equip it with something like a dual-core Cortex chip and I'll be throwing wads of cash in all directions.

Its telling us that people will do almost anything to get same-day releases and that theyre willing to both pay wads of cash and break the law at the same time to get them. That's the entire point, right there.

But this is changing slowly as they are throwing unignorable wads of money. But people still perceive it as a fight between honour and money.

Yes, bitcoin has some specific traits that are superior to carrying wads of cash. Much like many other forms of digital exchange.

Despite the vast wads of cash they are still earning, they have lost direction and have reverted to predatory tactics again. I won't be staying around this time.

Google for "certificate authority compromised" and you'll see what utter wads of **** for brains this could be entrusted to.

Then again, ******* rich engineering companies over for wads of cash is better for business.

I scroll with ease through large wads of text using a simple gesture on the touchpad. I find it much more important that a long piece of text is broken up by scannable subheaders, than that it designed to avoid scrolling.

Io blogging team, please don't assume unlimited wads of broadband. Let the reader decide whether they want to play your videos, and you know, I can only watch one video at a time on that page, so why start them all playing at once?

All of these companies have been operating as if keeping heaping wads of cash behind the counter was fine, merely because it was convenient.

People stop giving huge wads of money to violent criminals. Drug users stop being legal pariahs and are able to be a part of the criminal justice system other than as just a defendant.

On the other hand, handing out huge wads of cash in the hope that the recipient will do the impossible may not be likely to be directly successful, but it often has interesting results. I wonder what they will discover.

I'm happy for them to be given big wads of cash, but in a selfish way I would have wished to seen them tackle more problems in their way - producing quality results. I have a bad feeling as we've seen again and again, we won't be seeing anything from Google with the calibre that they did with Sparrow.

Having a leech trying to bleed out every cent as soon as it's made is not generally a good thing unless your company throws off wads of unneeded cash like nobody's business.

Yes, they're possible, and a few sites and designers even manage to do them well without spending wads of money. But, for everyone else, it just represents an additional layer of effort without any direct benefit to themselves.

Therefore, a transaction means wealth wads created since both parties' wealth has increased after the transaction. I’m pointing this out because it is quite a common misunderstanding that a certain amount of wealth exists in the world, and that it is a zero sum game, where someone has to loose every time someone wins.

Wealth redistribution as practiced through government doesn't hands giant wads of cash over to poor people that lay around waiting to be targetted by scammers. The redistrubtive mechanisms are almost always free or heavily subsidised services - education, health care, etc.

If a company's entire business model depends on spending massive wads of capital on things like loss leaders, advertising, unsustainable pricing, etc. , then it's not really a business.

They're increasing cable prices faster than inflation, and using the proceeds to hire key FCC officials and donate wads of cash to any politician -- federal, state and even local -- that might be involved in oversight. Your silly little attempt at exercising your rights as an informed citizen doesn't even register.

Wads definitions


a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers"