Vindictive in a sentence as an adjective

It's beyond vindictive at this point, this is a flat out anti-competitive move by Apple.

Because it's ******* nuts that some unprofessional, vindictive jerk like this guy was just acquired for $200 million.

No aggressive denunciations or vindictive chat - just calm and helpful trouble shooting.

Humans are vindictive and focused more on stigma, gossip and the aversion to failure than in seeking out excellence and creativity.

This episode is the childish and vindictive zenith of an amazing year of childish and vindictive behavior from Apple.

It most likely was expressed in the context of "you're going to look stupid/spread misinformation if you do."I'm not saying the TSA flak won't be vindictive if a reporter covers the story.

However, the kinds of people that are attracted to spending their lives destroying the lives of other humans tend to be vindictive monsters and generally awful people, not unlike the worst of those they prosecute.

If salaries are public knowledge, then people have time to accept that there's just that one incompetent guy making 20% more than he should and within a few hours they forget about it. It's mildly annoying, but as long as people are happy with what they're making and with their own job security, they aren't going to risk their jobs or reputations over it. It's when secrets are discovered that people become irrational, angry, and vindictive.

And touchy founders that would be vindictive about being rejected are tough to keep a good relationship with, and most entrepreneurs are emotionally heavily invested in their own startup so it's easy to be touchy and vindictive, so it's "best" as an investor to not upset anyone.

Vindictive definitions


disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge; "more vindictive than jealous love"- Shakespeare; "punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature"- M.R.Cohen

See also: revengeful vengeful


showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite; "a despiteful fiend"; "a truly spiteful child"; "a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment"

See also: despiteful spiteful