Revengeful in a sentence as an adjective

They will say that it's because of EU being a bad looser and revengeful to them.

This just reeks of being vindictive, evil, stubborn, revengeful, and down right dumb.

This is not the government being "revengeful", it is the government enforcing the law.

He could ask a favor from his buddies, provided of course he has the same revengeful mentality as the victim.

That it is OK for a government to be revengeful on a non-cooperative opponent ?

In almost every case, Swiss law enforcement and their corrective measures are meant to be that - corrective, not revengeful.

It just feels duplicitous/revengeful for them to now do the same after winning the culture wars and say "oh that's the way it is, censorship is the norm".

This seems to be a great way to tell your relatives and loved ones what a bitter, revengeful person you had been all along, who couldn't even find forgiveness in death.

As British as the people of Gibraltar may feel, I don't think their patriotism will prevail over the prospect of being stuck from the main landmass by a border garded by a revengeful EU...

I don't think that an attempt to bluff sociopaths is sufficient benefit for a generalized belief in a specific revengeful or judgemental higher being.

Finally I think UK has stronger ties than its peers due to its history in Hong Kong and it will seek to leverage that as the belt and road initiative develops to ensure it is not left out by a revengeful EU.

For every innocent life that has been taken a hundred revengeful combatants are born from that persons friends and family.>The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.

And on several occasions, employees asked to leave because they broke some Amazon code of conduct or policy, but the actual reason to put them to sword in the first place could have been anything, ranging from personal prejudice to revengeful mindset to "let me show you who's the boss"Multiple mgrs doing 'amazon things' can mean only one thing: It isn't because of a few bad apples...

For years he anonymously accused a citizen who opposed the Foxconn project of sleeping with opposition friendly city council members, and then variously:mentally ill, hypocrite, dingbat, loser, village bully, liar, vile, a joke, an embarrassment, illiterate, a dope, a ****, deceitful, evil, smelly, hateful, revengeful, crazy, nut job, embarrassing, profane, psycho, stupid, lowlife, vengeful, immoral, racist, witch, snake lady, freakshow, bitter, dumb, and much, much more

Revengeful definitions


disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge; "more vindictive than jealous love"- Shakespeare; "punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature"- M.R.Cohen

See also: vindictive vengeful