Vestigial in a sentence as an adjective

Hence why humans have loads of vestigial **** that serves no purpose.

" I joke that conclusions in CS papers are mostly vestigial, and exist only because they're expected to exist.

Because English is like Javascript - it's weird and is riddled with vestigial design errors, but since it's everywhere, we're all forced to use it.

Side note: With results-as-you-type now being the default even from the Google front page, isn't "I'm feeling lucky" a totally vestigial button at this point?

The original "school networks" of Facebook are long gone; their vestigial remains insufficient too track down fellow alumni.

I've heard Stanford described as a venture capital group with a vestigial university attached.

You can work around this default setting by using an iframe to submit a vestigial form, which will convince Safari that the domain doing the submitting is a first party, not a third party.

Means-tested social assistance is now a vestigial remnant of an economy strictly dependent upon labor as its primary input for growth.

Stuyvesant opened in the beginning of the 20th century, and there are some vestigial components that should've been amputated long agoIt's interesting to hear that Stuy requires drafting and shop.

Religious behaviours are thus best understood as a vestigial extended phenotype, and not as an ontological philosophy.[1].

Vestigial definitions


not fully developed in mature animals; "rudimentary wings"

See also: rudimentary