Verbalized in a sentence as an adjective

I prefer the ways you've verbalized it. Facts are good.

I've observed that too, but not verbalized it.

This needs to be verbalized in recruiting." We're in , so we invest in talent.

I can't even believe such a thing needs to be verbalized. You're coming across like a tabloid journalist.

Sometimes I listen to Americans and it just sounds like their thoughts are being verbalized. Like their stream of conscious thought coming from their mouth.

And much like math, it is very powerful, and not effectively verbalized. But just like math, it takes getting used to - and nearly impossible to go back from once you grok it.

It's memorable, easily verbalized, and allows him to brand under "north" instead of some longer or abstract name.

The problem is that each steps contains many many details and years of experience and hard work that can't even be verbalized properly. What part of the tutorials did you find hard to follow?

Not entirely sure, if I had to guess it's probably because "hibernated" sounds more like a word and is verbalized a lot nicer than "DHibernate" would of been.

But these questions were not so verbalized or intellectualized, they were just more like an ambient malaise and a disappointment in where life was going. What I learned, later on, is that I do not at all have a bad work ethic and I am not a bad person.

"While a particular culture may call for certain shifts in attitude, that does not mean verbalized consent is not important." Nor does it mean that verbalized consent is important or necessary.

The symptoms described in this story would absolutely make me think this person was having a stroke if she had verbalized them to someone with my training. It's also worthwhile to point out that the person having a stroke may not realize they are having a stroke.

In the process of acquiring the power to ****** US citizens via targeted assassination, his verbalized position was that he would never abuse that power. That's a punch right to the face, while claiming it's not.

But there is of course also information you can only extract from metadata because it is never explicitly verbalized.

It may appear that people are mostly siding with you because nobody else has verbalized support for philwelch. That's because we HN veterans don't generally post "me-too" opinions, we just quietly upvote the guy who's right and downvote the guy who's wrong.

I can't tell you the number of times being able to verbalized the need for a linked list or onHover whatever has made communcation easier with people who I bring to help me execute. This makes you a better implementer who is respected by counterparts and team members.

Something in my hindbrain was pushing me hard in a direction perhaps best verbalized as “these people are greasy, filthy monkeys and I despise them and I loathe them”. \n""" """ Scrupulous honesty requires me to report here that there is a small subset of blacks to which I do have a twitchy hindbrain reaction something like “Animal; unsafe; avoid.”

On a near-noise level, virtually all conversation or interaction can and mostly does contain shades of meaning expressing things that when verbalized explicitly would be considered rude or inappropriate. From that POV, the term appears meaningless or redundant.

I honestly find it shocking that so many people on HN are having such difficulty accepting the principal of expressly verbalized consent. Surely we can move on from the notion that men need to "be dominant" and "force her to rebuff your advances". While a particular culture may call for certain shifts in attitude, that does not mean verbalized consent is not important.

Verbalized definitions


communicated in words; "frequently uttered sentiments"

See also: expressed uttered verbalised