Vaporization in a sentence as a noun

The heat of vaporization is the key that will make their solution win, but by what factor? How many grams of nitrogen must they haul to chill a gram of atmospheric oxygen?

True I think that is another application of gold using vaporization but I have no clue about the details.

It would start boiling but this very fact would very quickly cool it off to freezing point: water has a very high heat of vaporization.

Unless you're changing the heat of vaporization of water, you will always get the same amount of steam for the same amount of energy input.

In an attempt to quit smoking I just discovered the vaporization method and WOW -- I'm so impressed. Its actually enjoyable in the way that smoking is enjoyable, and the stimulant kick is very real.

I didn't read the article super-carefully, but my impression was that they were using the heat of vaporization of water for energy storage, not PdV work of the air. I haven't done a calculation, but my guess is that this is much more efficient.

Ignore heat of vaporization. Incident solar radiation at like ...

I'll grant that vaporization ameliorates the problems merely caused by smoke inhalation, but doesn't inhaling nicotine cause many health problems on its own? I'll also not aware of there being health issues that result from drinking a normal amount of tea or coffee.

If a meteor hits, you have bigger issues than nuclear fallout, like tsunamis, earthquakes, vaporization of water for an ocean strike that leads to weeks of rain, dust from a land strike cooling the planet, etc.

You're talking about a small decimal point variation in heat of vaporization aka enthalpy of vaporization. You are correct it does in fact vary by temp, but as a percentage, less than my vast rounding errors. One problem is heat of vaporization usually drops with temp.

It also showed the detail of the rope trick effect, where the rapid vaporization of support cables caused curious lines to emanate from the bottom of an explosion. The camera is interesting - using an electronic not mechanical shutter.

I immediately preferred vaporization to smoking, and honestly haven't wanted an ordinary cigarette since.

What you are describing is how higher pressures allow you to add energy to the water while it remains liquid, and how if you add enough energy it will overcome the enthalpy of vaporization and cause it to convert to steam as the pressure is reduced.

Vaporization definitions


annihilation by vaporizing something

See also: vaporisation


the process of becoming a vapor

See also: vaporisation vapor vapour evaporation