Vaporisation in a sentence as a noun

It would start to boil, rapidly cooling its surroundings due to the latent heat of vaporisation.

You could certainly run such an engine, very efficiently at that, from vaporisation of LNG.

Heat of vaporisation of water is tremendous, and the amount of cooling you gain by allowing for evaporation is huge.

The presence of CO in the vapor samples clearly indicates oxidation rather than vaporisation.

The advantage is that the toridial magnetic fields that contain the fusion plasma also give the surviving bits another good hammering before vaporisation.

This one is particularly unpredictable: reduced tidal action will reduce the cooling effect of water vaporisation, however this will likely be balanced by an increase in evaporation, yet this could potentially be disastrous because hotter water = stronger storms, so mass use of wave-power technologies could drastically increase tropical storms, more than global warming ever could.

Vaporisation definitions


the process of becoming a vapor

See also: vaporization vapor vapour evaporation


annihilation by vaporizing something

See also: vaporization