Unwritten in a sentence as an adjective

There's an unwritten UI law that if it's more complex, with more knobs and buttons, it must be more "professional".

We will have to rack our brains and our bug database for some of the unwritten rules of TLS to port over to OpenSSL.

If you spend any reasonable amount of time, the unwritten standards of how people write Perl code subtly shifts over time.

Boris decided at once that he would be guided not by the official system but by this other unwritten system.

That way the job market can punish them for breaking an unwritten rule against attaching a reputation to a company.

I'm not sure if reproducing a dead comment violates some kind of unwritten HN guideline, but here it is:===============================================Gthrowaway1 2 days ago | link [dead]The Google bashing is well deserved.

What would your mother think?It's even more complicated because there're specific, unwritten rules about what you can lie about, and nobody ever explains this.

So even though he didn't do anything illegal with the data, you think it is criminal that he didn't obey some unwritten rule about using an API in that way?

British law is largely unwritten - until the EU gave us them we had no written bill of rights and most of our laws are based on precedent rather than anything parliament has decreed.

Presently, the only way you learn the unwritten rules of computational analysis is through tutorage by more experienced colleagues.

The work gap that most of these people are going to experience is going to have irreparable harm to the product, with regards to all the papers unwritten, projects unstarted, and lessons learned - for all of us.

Where do you stop?It's worth being aware of so you know to take such things into account, you never know when such views might introduce an unwritten assumption or colour a conclusion, but if it's not relevant to the material then it's a side issue.

Perhaps this does not apply in the Air Force but I suspect that it does:Senior leaders in big organizations like our military have an unfortunate unwritten mandate to /create/ things: policies, organizations, rules, procedures, etc.

NYT shows its bias with passages such as"In one passage, Mr. Greenwald makes the demonstrably false assertion that one “unwritten rule designed to protect the government is that media outlets publish only a few such secret documents, and then stop,” that “they would report on an archive like Snowden’s so as to limit its impact — publish a handful of stories, revel in the accolades of a ‘big scoop,’ collect prizes, and then walk away, ensuring that nothing had really changed.” Many establishment media outlets obviously continue to pursue the Snowden story.

Unwritten definitions


based on custom rather than documentation; "an unwritten law"; "rites...so ancient that they well might have had their unwritten origins in Aurignacian times"- J.L.T.C.Spence


using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement"

See also: oral


said or done without having been planned or written in advance; "he made a few ad-lib remarks"

See also: ad-lib spontaneous