Spontaneous in a sentence as an adjective

It's spontaneous change that may or may not survive with no real reference to "the best.

This stuff is spontaneous and fast-flowing and it's precious.

My spontaneous impression is that it is the wrong method of motivation for growing and maintaining the TOR network and should not be introduced at such.

The main purpose of open offices is to save on real estate costs, stimulating more spontaneous collaboration is just a flimsy excuse.

Then a random book off the library shelf?I do in general terms like your suggestion about being spontaneous, and living in the moment, and embracing chaos and randomness.

I feel like those of us blessed to work in very positive environments forget that many people do not, and when those people hear that "the team always eats together" immediately assume it is a management enforced policy, and not a spontaneous event.

The model exhibits behavioral regimes of normal brain activity that were not explicitly built-in but emerged spontaneously as the result of interactions among anatomical and dynamic processes.

It is a lecture, or as we call it these days, "live-action Vimeo".Serving food and drinks to everyone at the same time is a way of keeping everyone together in the same space, where they can bump into each other, look over each other's shoulders, and convene spontaneous hallway meetings.

As someone who's trying to optimize his life better, what strikes me the most is this part of the post: For my consistent experience has been that the more \n routine I can make the basic practical aspects of my life, \n the more I am able to be energetic—and \n spontaneous—about intellectual and other things.\n\n\nThis reminds of the book Uncertainty that I'm reading.

Spontaneous definitions


happening or arising without apparent external cause; "spontaneous laughter"; "spontaneous combustion"; "a spontaneous abortion"

See also: self-generated


said or done without having been planned or written in advance; "he made a few ad-lib remarks"

See also: ad-lib unwritten